
Tangio, the Printed Electronics division of Sytek Enterprises, is a global leader in the design and manufacture of a wide range of custom and standard printed touch sensing solutions. From simple but effective "single point" FSR sensors, through to state-of-the-art 3D Multi-Touch resistive sensors, capacitive touch sensors, and other novel innovations in printed electronics.

Tangio Imikhiqizo Okufakiwe


Siyabonga ukuzibandakanya kwakho nemikhiqizo nezinsizakalo ze-Chipsmall. Umbono wakho ubalulekile kithi! Ngomusa uthathe isikhashana ukugcwalisa ifomu elingezansi. Impendulo yakho eyigugu iqinisekisa ukuthi siletha njalo insizakalo engavamile oyifanele. Siyabonga ngokuba yingxenye yohambo lwethu oluya ekwenzeni kahle.