
Schurter - SCHURTER Electronic Components is a progressive innovator and manufacturer of Fuses, Circuit Breakers, Connectors, EMC Components and Input systems, including Switches. For over 75 years, SCHURTER components have provided safe, clean power and make the interface between human and machine easier. Our primary markets include Data Communications, Industrial, Renewable Energy, Medical and Test Instrumentation.


Siyabonga ukuzibandakanya kwakho nemikhiqizo nezinsizakalo ze-Chipsmall. Umbono wakho ubalulekile kithi! Ngomusa uthathe isikhashana ukugcwalisa ifomu elingezansi. Impendulo yakho eyigugu iqinisekisa ukuthi siletha njalo insizakalo engavamile oyifanele. Siyabonga ngokuba yingxenye yohambo lwethu oluya ekwenzeni kahle.