
In 1997, “Deli Group Co., Ltd.” was established and established the position of “Integrated Stationery Supply” to further clarify the concept of “diversification on the road of specialization” and is committed to the research and development and manufacture of office products.

deli Imikhiqizo Okufakiwe




Ama-chip athandwayo


Siyabonga ukuzibandakanya kwakho nemikhiqizo nezinsizakalo ze-Chipsmall. Umbono wakho ubalulekile kithi! Ngomusa uthathe isikhashana ukugcwalisa ifomu elingezansi. Impendulo yakho eyigugu iqinisekisa ukuthi siletha njalo insizakalo engavamile oyifanele. Siyabonga ngokuba yingxenye yohambo lwethu oluya ekwenzeni kahle.